
For those of you who don't know me, I am a rescue Dachshund born 23rd January 2021 and part of a small but dedicated team of volunteers who support seriously and terminally ill children, teens and adults through free of charge passenger experiences in fully loaded American Law Enforcement vehicles that have been imported from the States and now (UK) road legal.

Dog popularity is hardly new! However, not many dogs can say they have an American Police Interceptor in the UK as an office, right? The purpose, mission and values of my blogs gives you the opportunity of supporting those facing difficult times in a way that no drug or medicine could every hope to achieve.

Although volunteering is often considered as a charitable and altruistic activity, corporate volunteering gives employees the chance to build connections with their local communities and give back to society which can have a positive impact on a company's brand reputation.

Support Vehicle are offering businesses the chance to drive a fully loaded UK road legal American Police Interceptor. You can also receive Motoring News, Law Changes and Exclusive Material straight to your inbox by subscribing here and or on the home page of this website.

Video is hugely popular – sometimes more popular than the written word. GoPro, DashCams and Drones are undeniably great for capturing stunning footage and in the foreseeable future we hope be able to get our own equipment through "Buy me a coffee' donations so please support us and email the things you are curious about as to American Law Enforcement vehicles so I may review and prepare the best answers, photos and videos for you in my blogs! 

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